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Showing posts from July, 2019

How Discogs' email notification could be improved (part 2)

Whenever a change is made in Discogs a mail is sent. In my opinion the system behind these e-mails is broken, as I have already said before . One of the biggest issues that I have with the current e-mails being sent by Discogs is the subject line of the e-mail, saying: Recent changes affecting releases in your collection or Recent changes affecting your contributions but nothing else. I first have to click on the message to see to full content. It might be that I find some of the changes more interesting than the others. For example, if images are changed, then it is likelier that I will want to take a look because sometimes people change images, with ugly consequences . So I would like to have a little bit more information in the e-mail subject, for example: [IMAGES] Recent changes affecting releases in your collection would already be an improvement over the existing mails being sent as it would allow me to prioritize which mails to check first (at the expense of some e...

What happened in Discogs in June 2019?

A new datadump was released last night, so time to look at what happened in Discogs in June 2019. If you don't know how this works, you should read the previous entries, for example about last month . Having done this for nearly two years I am pretty sure that it wil be nearly identical to the previous few months. Release statistics I looked at the dump file with data covering June 1 - 30 2019. This dump file has  11,334,008 releases, whereas the previous one had 11,231,882 releases. That means 102,126 releases more. Also: 10,723,325 releases stayed the same 506,571 releases were changed 104,112 releases were added 1,986 releases were removed from the database 167 releases had status Draft, Deleted or Rejected 11 releases that were not Accepted were in both dumps 1 release was moved from Draft to Accepted Changes in the data (that is: changes to already existing releases) are distributed as follows: Existing releases changed in June 2019 Although it still h...