Having looked through many releases in Discogs I often see that data is not entered as it is on the release. One example: rights societies are typeset in many different ways, where sometimes you will have an all uppper case name (for example: "BIEM"), sometimes there is spacing ("B I E M"), sometimes there are dots in the name ("B.I.E.M."), and so on. In the examples mentioned above the values are all basically referencing the same rights society so it is worth asking if the values entered on each release page should be "as written on release" or if they should be stored as the value of whatever it is pointing it? Said differently: should the release page focus on "syntax" (how it is written on the release) or "semantics" (what it means)? There are things to be said for both: there are releases where the person designing the sleeve or label made an error, for example: releases with "BIEN" instead of "BIEM...
A blog dedicated to two of my hobbies: vinyl records and digital data and exploring where the two intersect. This blog is not affiliated with Discogs, but uses a lot of its data. On Discogs you can find me as metalmijn. I also get a lot of help from a friend you can find on Discogs as gerjolp Check out my Discogs cleanup scripts at: https://github.com/armijnhemel/cleanup-for-discogs/