The field in the Discogs database that is definitely the most misunderstood is the so called "Label Code". Many people think that this is a generic "catch all" field for any code printed on a label, but that is COMPLETELY WRONG . The Label Code is a (somewhat) unique identifier for a record label. It was introduced in Europe somewhere in the 1970s and is now in widespread use. This is all explained in the other articles I have written about this field and I recommend you read those first (especially the first article ). Many Discogs contributors think that just because there is a code on a label it should be in the Label Code field. In the latest download (all releases up until October 31 2019) there are a bit over 44,000 releases that have a wrong value in this field. That's quite a few. Then there are also releases where a Label Code should be present, but isn't (and of course I don't know how many), plus around 9,000 where someone indicated that ...
A blog dedicated to two of my hobbies: vinyl records and digital data and exploring where the two intersect. This blog is not affiliated with Discogs, but uses a lot of its data. On Discogs you can find me as metalmijn. I also get a lot of help from a friend you can find on Discogs as gerjolp Check out my Discogs cleanup scripts at: