Normally I don't think too much about statistics of a particular month, but September is different, because of Discogs' "September Pledge Initiative" or "S.P.IN". You can read
Discogs' own take on it on the Discogs blog, but let's see what the data says. If you don't know what everything here means, just look at the
previous blog post and work your way back.
Release statistics
I looked at the dump file with data covering September 1 - October 3
2019 (according to the name of the datadump). This dump file has 11,653,094 releases, whereas the
previous one
had 11,530,540 releases. That means 122,554 releases more which is actually not more than in a normal month (at least, that's what I think). Also:
- 11,021,531 releases stayed the same
- 506,609 releases were changed
- 124,954 releases were added
- 2,400 releases were removed from the database
- 477 releases had status Draft, Deleted or Rejected
- 11 releases that were not Accepted were in both dumps
- 4 releases were moved from Draft to Accepted
Changes in the data (that is: changes to already existing releases) are distributed as follows:
Existing releases changed in September 2019 |
I found a bit over 2300 smells in newly added releases (ignoring
tracklist errors which remain the bulk of the errors) so that seems to be a tiny bit more than normal. Like before: a
bit more
than half are label codes, a bit less than a
quarter are SID codes, and then the rest, so it is exactly as in previous months.
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