Every year Discogs has their September Pledge INitiative (or S.P.IN) contest to have more data added to the database. A friend (gerjolp on Discogs) won a swag pack (bag, T-shirt, pack of 2 slipmats and some stickers) because of the scripts that I wrote: he fixed countless entries in a short period of time and is continuing to do so. Luckily for me he was so kind to split his prize with me, so I also feel a bit like a winner.
One thing that I only learned about after using Discogs is the so called Source Identification Code, or SID. These codes were introduced in 1994 to combat piracy and to find out on which machines a CD was made. It was introduced by Philips and adopted by IFPI, and specifications are publicly available which clearly describe the two available SID codes (mastering SID code and mould SID code). Since quite a few months Discogs has two fields available in the " Barcode and Other Identifiers " (BaOI) section: Mould SID code Mastering SID code A few questions immediately popped up in my mind: how many releases don't have a SID field defined when there should be (for example, the free text field indicates it is a SID field)? how many releases have a SID field with values that should not be in the SID field? how many release have a SID field, but a wrong year (as SID codes were only introduced in 1994) how many vinyl releases have a SID code defined (which is impossi...
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