I have been digging a bit into image processing in the last few weeks using OpenCV. OpenCV is very powerful and comes with lots of built-in goodies, such as a face detector. So, I was thinking: what can I do with that? How easy is it to detect sleeves that have people's faces on it? As it turns out: trivial. I grabbed my copy of Practical Python and OpenCV and followed chapter 14. I then downloaded an image and fed it to my code:
Not perfect as only three out of four faces get recognized, probably due to a limitation in the classifier but not bad at all for less than 50 lines of Python code.
Another example:
So, why is this useful?
Let's make this a bit more concrete with another example. Some users collect sleeves with a certain theme. One possible theme could be cats. At least one user at Discogs has a list with sleeves that have cats on them. And, believe it or not, OpenCV also has a built-in cat classifier (for frontal cat faces only), so I used that on one of the sleeves:
If I could just search on things like "cat", "flower" or "banana" and get the releases that I would want to see then Discogs would be a lot more useful for people that don't collect releases of a certain artist, but collect based on a certain theme. Right now none of this data is available in Discogs.
There is a lot of potential with the data in Discogs, but at the moment it is simply untapped, and that's a bit of a shame.
Not perfect as only three out of four faces get recognized, probably due to a limitation in the classifier but not bad at all for less than 50 lines of Python code.
Another example:
So, why is this useful?
Let's make this a bit more concrete with another example. Some users collect sleeves with a certain theme. One possible theme could be cats. At least one user at Discogs has a list with sleeves that have cats on them. And, believe it or not, OpenCV also has a built-in cat classifier (for frontal cat faces only), so I used that on one of the sleeves:
If I could just search on things like "cat", "flower" or "banana" and get the releases that I would want to see then Discogs would be a lot more useful for people that don't collect releases of a certain artist, but collect based on a certain theme. Right now none of this data is available in Discogs.
There is a lot of potential with the data in Discogs, but at the moment it is simply untapped, and that's a bit of a shame.
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