Today another data dump was released covering all releases up
until (and including) December 31 2019, so I can look at some statistics
again. If you don't know how this works, I would recommend reading the
previous articles.
Release statistics
I looked at the dump file with new data entered and changes made from December 1 - December 31
This dump file has 11,955,493 releases, whereas the
previous one
had 11,854,877. That means 100,616 releases more. Also:
- 11,187,982 releases stayed the same
- 663,648 releases were changed
- 103,863 releases were added
- 3,247 releases were removed from the database
- 208 releases had status Draft, Deleted or Rejected
- 0 releases that were not Accepted were in both dumps
- 3 releases were moved from Draft to Accepted
Changes in the data (that is: changes to already existing releases) are distributed as follows:
Existing releases changed in December 2019 |
What is striking is that there are significantly more edits. I looked through my statistics and there haven't been that many months with so many changes. Interesting.
I found 2158 possible smells in newly added releases (ignoring
tracklist errors which remain the bulk of the errors). Like before: a
bit less
than half are label codes, around a
quarter are SID codes, and then the rest, so it is very similar to previous months.
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