Time to dig a bit deeper into the tracklistings, as I believe there is a bit more to the story than what I wrote about in an
earlier post. One thing that I kept wondering about is: is this mostly a problem for vinyl releases or for cassettes?
I adapted my
scripts to also output the format so I can answer this question. As an extra I also checked for shellac records and 8 track cartridges, which also have sides.
My scripts found 944 shellac records that possibly have a wrong tracklist. There are even more 8 track cartridges than shellac records with a possible tracklist issue: 1144. This means that the total amount of releases I found with possible tracklist problems is now 148,013.
The shellac releases with possibly wrong tracklistings are distributed over the data as follows:
Distribution of shellac records with a possibly wrong tracklist in the Discogs data. |
For 8 track cartridges it looks like this:
Distribution of 8 track cartridges with a possibly wrong tracklist in the Discogs data. |
To answer the question if this problem is more common for vinyl or cassette: for vinyl I found 88,194 releases, for cassette 57,731 releases, so the 'winner' is vinyl.
For vinyl:
Distribution of vinyl records with a possibly wrong tracklist in the Discogs data. |
and cassettes:
Distribution of cassettes with a possibly wrong tracklist in the DIscogs data. |
In a few days when there is a new data dump I will come back to this topic to see if the trend (more releases with wrong tracklistings) has continued.
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